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Aasman m dikha durlabh najara🗨 . five planetary Alignment in sky on march 28 full jankari

      🌌 आसमान में दिखाई  दिया अद्भुत नजारा।                       🌍🪐Planet Parade🪐🌍

Five planets  Alignment  rare sight in the sky 

 🌌 आसमान में दिखाई  दिया अद्भुत नजारा।                       🌍🪐Planet Parade🪐🌍

Five planets  Alignment  rare sight in the sky 

पहली बार  ऐसा नजारा : 5 Planet  Alignment 

आज  रात आसमान  में बेहद  खुबसूरत  नजारा देखा जाएगा। आप एक  साथ  पांच ग्रहो के संगम को देख सकेंगे। इससे पहले  24 march  को चंद्रमा के करीब  शुक्र  को देखा गया।


यह घटना प्लेटनरी अलाइंमेंट है : जब कुछ  ग्रह  एक  समय  में एक साथ  कतार  में दिखाई  दिए       


5 Planets Alignment 2023: it is the rare spectacular phenomena happened on march 28,2023. Five main planets  are visible in the night 🌙 😴 sky. Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, mars,  and Uranus. People would be able to watch Venus and Jupiter  with their  naked eyes  as these are the most  visible  and bright  planets but those who are most interested 🤔  in watching  👀  Mercury,  mars, and Uranus,would require binoculars or telescope as they are difficult  to spot. Planets  will start disapearing from the sky after 30 min of the sunset. 

The planetary  Alignment  usually  happens  when some planets  get close  to each other on one side of the sun at a particular time . People can watch this rare 'planets Parade 'after 7:00 pm 

Five planets  are aligning in a planetary Parade for the first time in 18 years

       18 साल में  दिखाई  दी Planetary  Parade 

This Alignment  would be the only  one over the next many decades. According  to astronomy  expert's  the Alignment  of three planets  is called a conjunction. This is a regular event that occurs frequently. 🤔 however,  the Alignment  of Five  planets  is a rarer occurrence. 

Another  source  added  that the event  is more  remarkable  as the planets would be aligned in their existing order  from the sun.

The Planets  were already  visible   Visible  in the sky ,but they were breaking  up. However , nasal stated that two of these Planets would no longer visible in the sky 


          प्रातःकाल  आसमान  में ग्रहो की कतार।

Mercury, venus, mars, Jupiter, and Saturn came together for a planetary Alignment. It was  the first  time  that the group  planets had aligned in 18 years, and it is not expected  to happen  again until  2040.

When to watch the 5 planets  Alignment  in india?

For those located in india  , the expected  sunset 🌇  time on Tuesday, match 28, is 6:36pm IST. 



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